Tag Archives: Dexter

“Nebraska” Brings New Places, Old Faces for Dexter

14 Nov

Dexter takes pleasure in his after-work activities.

While I’m still on the fence of where this religion-fueled season of Dexter is taking us, lets forget about the Doomsday Killer for now. Lets forget the back and forth feelings I have about Deb and Quinn. Lets forget about how much of a b***h LaGuerta is. Lets get down to the roots of what makes Dexter, Dexter. Lets get down to what makes it such an exciting show, and what draws people in to one of the most popular cable series shows on television. That draw is Dexter’s constant inner struggle with his Dark Passenger. This episode takes a step back from the sixth season and reminds us viewers what this amazing series has been showing us about Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall) all along. Continue reading